Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Using Technology to D.I.Y.

There are many Bloggers and VLoggers these days on various social media sites.  I am an avid spectator of Youtube to learn the latest on topics, such as, natural hair styling techniques, female fitness and healthy eating techniques, technology tools for computers, tablets, and smartphones, beauty and fashion accessories, and the list goes on and on.  I’ve had a strong desire to become a contributor of this learning community, but felt that the YouTube community was over-saturated with many of the same topics thus providing limited opportunity of finding interested followers to become spectators of my chronicled experiences.  I’ve shared this interest with a couple of friends, who, in return, have suggested that I transition from the spectator sideline into the role of practitioner.  So this starting me to thinking, the role of a practitioner is often viewed as that of a “doctor”;  well at least in my mind.  

Okay, okay, I know this analogy is more on the abstract side, but let me explain my thought process before you jump off my bandwagon.  My definition of doctor is someone who “practices” a certain action on themselves or others in search for plausible outcome(s) or solution(s).  My interest, or “specialty” from the perspective of a doctor, covers a broad spectrum of technology focused topics.  My specialty focuses on topics that will allow my audience to spectate then “Do It Yourself” or as most refer to in the colloquial form, D.I.Y.

I think many of you will agree that the increased use of technology helps us share our practices and outcomes; thus, allowing spectators to discover new D.I.Y. solutions.  But here’s some food for thought:  What is technology?  Many people would immediately say computers, tablets, software, hardware, etc. Those responses are definitely adequate, but also limited.  Technology, from my perspective, is a mechanism that acts as a communication medium for an action to occur.  As you can see this encompasses a lot more than the traditional computer related tools.  From this viewpoint, this Blog and my VLog on YouTube will involve this technology philosophy.   Hence, the birth of  the D.I.Y. doctor
Quiet on the set. Recording in progress J